Duck Avenger, also known as PK or Paperinik, is an iconic superhero character originating from the Italian Disney universe. Created by Guido Martina, Elisa Penna, and Giovan Battista Carpi, this alter ego of Donald Duck was first introduced in 1969. The character has since been featured in various comic series across different countries, such as Italy's "PK: Evroniani" and the global release "Duck Avanger New Adventures." As a superhero, Duck Avenger fights against evil forces like the Evronians with the help of his allies One and Lyla Lay.


PKNA - Paperinik New Adventures is a Disney comic, published in Italy from March 14, 1996, to December 20, 2000. The series revolves around the adventures of Paperinik (Donald Duck's secret superhero identity). PKNA introduced new enemies for Paperinik called the Evronians, as well as two key allies: A.I. Uno (One) and Lyla. The series had a successful run of 56 issues, including three "test" issues, forty-nine regular issues, and four summer specials. PKNA's storyline featured a mix of science fiction, action, and mystery elements, as Paperinik faced new challenges, made new allies and enemies, and explored the mysteries surrounding his own origins.


PK2 is a science fiction comic book featuring Pikappa and was the second series in the Pikappa Saga, following the successful run of PKNA. The series began publication on February 1, 2001, and concluded with its last issue published on July 1, 2002. Walt Disney Italia published a total of 18 issues plus one summer special during this period. PK2 continued the story from where it left off in PKNA, maintaining the same characters and setting but introducing new elements and a more mature tone to cater to an older audience. The series aimed at exploring deeper themes and complex narratives while still keeping the essence of the Pikappa universe intact.

In the transition from PKNA to PK2, there were significant changes in both the storyline and character development. The most notable change was that Everett Ducklair, who disappeared at the end of the PKNA series. However, this event was undone in PK2, with him coming back to Duckburg and takes back control of Ducklair Tower and all his possessions. Lyla Lay is no longer a big part of the PK universe, but appears in between. One is also turned off, an ally Duck Avenger has had a lot of help from. But new characters are introduced like; Korinna and Juniper daughter's of Evrett, and many more. These changes were part of the authors' attempt to introduce new elements while maintaining continuity with the previous series. The characters evolved to cater to a more mature audience, exploring deeper themes and complex narratives in PK2.


Pikappa is born after the closure of the PK2 series. It is the third series of the Dack Avenger Saga, with which the origins of the character were rewritten. The series was launched on August 20, 2002 and was closed, after 32 issues, on March 20, 2005. Pikappa is set in a world where the lines between good and evil are blurred, with many characters from the first series having their personalities deepened to become ambiguous, double-crossing, and selfish. The storyline continues to explore science fiction themes while featuring an increasingly adult audience.

Throughout its 32 issues, Pikappa delves deeper into the world of Dack Avenger and his allies, as well as their adversaries. The series sees a change in the character's origin, with new backstories being introduced to further complicate the narrative. As it was published between 2002 and 2005, Pikappa also reflects the evolution of the comic book genre during that period, incorporating elements from both classic superhero comics and modern science fiction narratives.

Paperinik New Era

Paperinik New Era, also informally known as PKNE, is a continuation of the Duck Avenger Saga that began in 2014. It continues the adventures of the modernized and revisited version of Donald Duck's alter ego, Duck Avenger. The saga is set within the Duck Avenger universe and features new characters while excluding classic Disney characters in a significant role. The story cycle begins twelve years after the events narrated in PK2, when Everett Ducklair had turned off One and left Earth to return to the planet Corona.

The stories are written by Francesco Artibani, Alessandro Sisti, and Roberto Gagnor, with designs by Lorenzo Pastrovicchio, Claudio Sciarrone, Paul Mottura, Alberto Lavoradori, and Roberto Vian. The first story of this cycle is titled "Power and Power," published in 2014, and the saga continues to this day.

In Paperinik New Era, the stories are described as choral adventures where old friends and enemies reappear, but there are also surprise entries due to the unpredictable nature of Pikappa's tales. The focus is on a balance between action, humor, and emotion while exploring new dimensions and realities within the Duck Avenger universe.

The PK Team

The PK Team, formed in 1995 under Paolo Cavaglione's approval, consisted of a group of young writers, artists, and authors who were tasked with retooling Paperinik in a fresh new way to modernize the character. The team took inspiration from Marvel comics to help Paperinik escape stagnation and bring him into a more contemporary context. Members of the PK Team included Francesco Artibani, Davide Catenacci, Gianfranco Cordara, Bruno Enna, Tito Faraci, Augusto Macchetto, Alessandro Sisti, Simone Stenti, and Ezio Sisto. They were responsible for creating the first two series of Paperinik's adventures that maintained a strict continuity before a reboot occurred in 2002.

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