The Evronians are hostile duck-like aliens from Evron. Their primary goal is to conquer Earth. They feed on emotions and turn their victims into mindless slaves called Coolflames, which are suppressed beings with a cold blue flame around their heads. Evronians themselves have purple skin, completely blue eyes without irises, and stand about as tall as normal humans. The aliens possess the ability to regenerate and can survive floating through deep space in their spore state. Their most notable characteristic is that they feed on emotions, although their infants initially take physical nourishment before transitioning to a telepathic form of sustenance.

Evronian society is highly hierarchical, militaristic, and merciless, with a strict division between two castes: warriors and scientists. It operates under the rule of a ruthless, despotic emperor who oversees their expansionist efforts across multiple solar systems. The primary motivations for Evronian conquest extend beyond simple territorial gain, as they seek to assimilate new worlds' resources, knowledge, and power to strengthen their empire. This quest for dominance is driven by the Evronians' inherent nature of being a highly aggressive and expansionist species. Their society values strength, martial prowess, and scientific advancement above all else, with the ultimate goal of maintaining and expanding their imperial control over conquered territories to ensure their survival and prosperity as a race.

Aside from turning their victims into mindless slaves called Coolflames, the Evronian invasion poses a significant threat to Earth's inhabitants in various ways. The hostile alien race seeks to conquer Earth and expand its territory, which would result in the enslavement or destruction of billions of intelligent beings across the planet. Additionally, the Evronians are known for depopulating entire worlds by either killing or enslaving their inhabitants. Their invasion could lead to mass devastation, loss of life, and potential extinction of various species on Earth if they were successful in conquering it.

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